New wine grape clones tasted at Vititec

New wine grape clones tasted at Vititec

by Vititec media release | Feb 13, 2020

Vititec, the trusted producer of high quality grapevine plant material, hosted a tasting of the latest wine grape clones available to the South African wine industry on Thursday, 13 February, at the Vinpro head office in Paarl. This year, roughly 20 new and existing wine grape clones were tasted and judged by a group of winemakers, producers and selected media.

Gen-Z shares cover crop results

Gen-Z shares cover crop results

by Vinpro media release | Oct 9, 2019

Wine grape producers witnessed the performance of cover crops on different soil types in September and October thanks to the Gen-Z Vineyard Project, hosted by Vinpro. This year, the cover crop demo’s included site visits to the Swartland, Stellenbosch and Breedekloof regions.


 Case Study

Divi Group Real Estate Litigation Case

June 2018 – August 2018

– Case Description

In 2017, cover crop growth at most of the demo sites was poor due to the drought conditions. In 2018 however, rain following the harvest period and during the winter months resulted in generally very good cover crop performance across all the sites. During the ‘farmer days’ producers had the opportunity to visit a few of the demo sites, where Agricol, Barenbrug and Vinpro facilitated discussion around the performance of the selected cover crops and mixes, as well as recommendations made. A few of the most notable observations made at selected sites can be found below:

Trial Summary

Aenean vulputate odio mauris, suscipit iaculis diam sodales ut. Pellentesque vitae massa vitae massa tempor auctor in a ante. Fusce id urna posuere, facilisis turpis non, imperdiet ligula. Ut rutrum euismod orci sit amet porttitor. Quisque nisl massa, rhoncus interdum consectetur vitae, pellentesque non neque. Vivamus et semper velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ornare purus in turpis pharetra vestibulum.

Aenean eleifend, quam quis ullamcorper venenatis, lorem neque venenatis mauris, et aliquet risus quam quis urna. Praesent vitae elit ut mauris semper ultricies sed eu nisi. Etiam dictum orci in enim pretium, et egestas odio consequat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam venenatis, lectus quis tristique efficitur, quam eros interdum nunc, sit amet commodo lacus eros at ligula. Maecenas vel nunc gravida, pharetra turpis vel, placerat neque. Vivamus varius tellus at ante posuere.



Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.


Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat.


Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui.


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus.


Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit.

Final Result

Aenean vulputate odio mauris, suscipit iaculis diam sodales ut. Pellentesque vitae massa vitae massa tempor auctor in a ante. Fusce id urna posuere, facilisis turpis non, imperdiet ligula. Ut rutrum euismod orci sit amet porttitor. Quisque nisl massa, rhoncus interdum consectetur vitae, pellentesque non neque. Vivamus et semper velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ornare purus in turpis pharetra vestibulum.

Dollars Awarded

Day Trial

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Let’s Work Together

Gen Z: Cover Crop Demo’s

2018 Season results and findings

As part of the Gen Z: Vineyard Project, 16 cover crop demo’s were established in vineyards throughout the Western Cape in 2017 and 2018. Agronomists from two seed suppliers, Agricol and Barenbrug, provided cover crop recommendations in terms of species and mixes suited to the different regions and soil types, as well as assistance in the evaluation of each treatment. The seed was donated by Agricol and Barenbrug and ‘farmer days’ were held at selected sites.

Photo 1. Cover crop demo at De Wetshof Landgoed, Robertson.

Photo 2: ‘Farmer day’ held at Kanonkop, Stellenbosch. at Kanonkop, Stellenbosch.

 In 2017, cover crop growth at most of the demo sites was poor due to the drought conditions. In 2018 however, rain following the harvest period and during the winter months resulted in generally very good cover crop performance across all the sites. During the ‘farmer days’ producers had the opportunity to visit a few of the demo sites, where Agricol, Barenbrug and Vinpro facilitated discussion around the performance of the selected cover crops and mixes, as well as recommendations made. A few of the most notable observations made at selected sites can be found below:

  1. Included in the list of recommended cover crops/mixes were a few new cover crops and cultivars which were established in vineyards for the first time:
    1. Forage Barley (Voergars) – good, fast growth early in the season and of the cereals that were established on their own, it displayed the best growth.
      Seeding density: 35-40 kg/ha
    2. Forage Rye (Voerrog) – worked especially well in a mixture with vetch. Provides a more cost effective, sometimes better, alternative to Triticale (Korog).
      Seeding density: 35-40 kg/ha
    3. Phacelia – A promising, new cover crop, showed strong growth and produced a large
      amount of material. It is also a very good bee forage and is considered drought
      tolerant. It will be further evaluated in the following year’s demo plots.
      Seeding density: 35 kg/ha
        1. Cereal mixtures eg. Triticale/Barley and Vetch (photo 3) performed well at all sites,
          providing excellent weed suppression and biomass.
          The cereals included in the mixtures
          are determined by soil type.
        2. Black/Saia Oats (Swarthawer), another cereal, performed very well by providing ample
          material and effective weed suppression.
        3. Under the prevailing conditions, the clovers did not fare particularly well and due to their
          late growth, were overgrown by weeds. Better results could be seen when cultivated on
          the grapevine row (bankie) instead of the work row.
        4. The White Mustard (photo 4) delivered excellent results. It produced a lot of material
          and provided very good weed suppression. This variety also performed very well under
          the drought conditions of the previous year.
        5. Soil type also played a major role in cover crop performance at the demos. In the
          Wellington area, lupins outperformed vetch on the weathered granite soils whereas the
          vetch grew very well on the weathered shale soils, and together with forage rye produced
          very good material. Additional factors to consider are soil pH, stone fraction, water
        6. Sewing date also contributed the success of the cover crops. Where the sewing was
          carried out in mid-late May, growth was poorer in comparison to where cover crops were
          sewn in April.
        7. In the Olifantsrivier region, where cover crops (barley, triticale and white mustard) were
          sewn just before the rain in May, there was greater biomass and weed suppression than
          where they were sewn later in May.
        8. Fertilizer application of 100 kg KAN/ha at the 4-6 leaf stage had a significant effect on the
          biomass and in some cases doubled material production in comparison to the treatments
          where no fertilizer was added.
        9. Two weeds, namely small mallow (kiesieblaar) and rye grass (ryegrass), provided the
          greatest competition for cover crops in the various demo sites. Growth of these weeds can
          be inhibited through the selection of cover crop species or mixes that offer greater weed
        10. Given the low rainfall in the Olifantsrivier region, establishment cover crops on the
          grapevine row where winter irrigation is possible, appears to be a more successful
          practice than sewing cover crops in the work row. Improved infiltration, decreased
          compaction and good weed suppression were visually observed where this practice was
          applied in Koekenap and Vredendal, Olifantsrivier. (For more information on the planter
          used in this trial contact Stoney Landbou Dienste: