
Many of the rootstocks we make use of in South Africa, date back to the mid to late 1900’s when they were imported from Europe and the United States. Correct rootstock selection for a vineyard is one of the most crucial decisions in the lifespan of a vineyard. Key factors to take into consideration when selecting a rootstock include water availability, the soil’s pH, salinity and texture, the prevailing climate, presence of certain nematodes and required vigour. We aim to generate and share information on rootstock performance under different conditions to assist growers in making the best rootstock choice possible for their vineyard.

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A large number of our inter-planting demos were established in 2018, 2019 and 2020 and are still in the early stages of generating results. Since our mission is to share credible and valuable knowledge with you, please be patient while we grow our data over the next few seasons.

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